Foundation Governors

The key task of a Foundation Governor is to secure, develop and maintain the religious character of the school, namely its Christian distinctiveness

Foundation Governors have a key role in addition to the responsibilities of any governor. Their key task is to secure, develop and maintain the religious character of the school, namely its Christian distinctiveness.


Their responsibilities will include:

  • Preserving the links between Church, School and Diocese
  • Taking an active role in the SIAMS process
  • Ensuring that collective worship and religious education at the school are appropriately monitored
  • Ensuring that collective worship and religious education at the school follow the appropriate guidelines and/or syllabus
  • Bringing to the attention of the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) any matters requiring their attention regarding the school
  • Ensuring that the Christian ethos of the school is encouraged throughout its community and is reflected in its policies and protocols, the curriculum and activities
  • Ensuring that their own attitudes and behaviour in relation to the school reflect its Christian ethos.

Further information about the nomination of Foundation Governors and the appointment process, can be found here

Foundation Governors Appointment Policy

Foundation Governors Code of Conduct


Foundation Governor Nomination form

This online form should be completed by the nominee for all Foundation Governor nominations. Ask the headteacher for any information you don’t have. 

The information you will need includes: 

  • Full name of the School 
  • Type of school (VA, VC, Foundation, or Academy) 
  • Nominating body (Parochial Church Council or Diocesan Board of Education) 
  • Nominator (usually the Incumbent or, during an interregnum, a Churchwarden) and their email address 
  • Headteachers email 
  • Chair of Governors name and email address 
  • Clerk to Governors name and email address 

Please answer every question as fully as possible. The form is confidential between you and the DBE. 

After submitting the form, the headteacher, incumbent, and chair of governors will automatically be sent a confidential Supporting Statement Form and asked to complete it. The nomination will be considered only after all are received, and you will be notified about the outcome. Until then, you may, with the governing body's permission, attend meetings but as an observer. 

For any enquiries about this process, please email:

Nomination Form for Foundation Governors