Governing Body

The Governing Body is a vital part of the leadership of any school. Serving God and the school community is a privilege and responsibility. It is vital that this is carried out in an increasingly professional and effective way.

During an Ofsted inspection there is a focus on inspecting the quality of leadership and management including governance, in the school. This not only means governors need to be prepared for ‘the interview’ but also attend to their roles responsibly.

Their specific role in developing the school as a Church school is also scrutinised during the SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) process. 

As Inspectors examine “How does the school's theologically rooted Christian vision enable pupils and adults to flourish?” it will be expected that the governing body will have been involved in developing the vision and all that flows from it.  Schools and trusts must provide convincing evidence of how:

  1. the school's work is driven by a contextually-appropriate theologically rooted Christian vision for education that reflects its foundation as a Church school, meets the needs of the school community, and enables people to flourish ii.
  2. the vision and practice of the trust resonate with those of the school
  3. leadership and governance are appropriate and effective
  4. collective worship reflects the school's Anglican/Methodist foundation and enables the spiritual flourishing of those in the school community
  5. the school offers a religious education curriculum that:
  • meets legal requirements
  • reflects the Church of England's Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education
  • is effective

Governors should have a detailed and strategic knowledge of their school and it follows that governors, head teacher and staff should work as a united team, dedicated to realising a shared theologically rooted Christian vision for the school. 

It is the role of the whole governing body and Foundation Governors in particular to ensure this agenda is effectively pursued.

Governors are strongly advised to enrol on the e-learning course that is an introduction to governance in the Diocese of Chelmsford.

The Grove Education Books: eD31 'Church School Governance' provides both an understanding of the role in a church school context but also questions for reflection or group discussion alongside eD39 Governance in a Christian Manner.

General information and advice for governors to help them undertake their role effectively is available from a range of national organisations. Some of these organisations are listed below with links to their websites:

The Key for School Governors (subscription service)

National Governance Association (membership service)