Religious Education
At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity, alongside learning about other faiths and worldviews
At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity, alongside learning about other faiths and worldviews
In Church of England schools, where pupils and staff come from all faiths and none, Religious Education (RE) is a highly valued academic subject that enables understanding of how religion and belief affect our lives.
The Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Education (CBDE) believes that RE enables pupils to develop religious literacy the ability to hold informed and balanced conversations about religion and beliefs.
The Church of England Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education 2019 document outlines the expectations of the Church of England Education Office in relation to Religious Education. It is used by SIAMS (Section 48) inspectors when they are assessing the quality of RE in church schools and academies.
NEW -Guidance for Religious Education (RE) in Church of England Schools in the Diocese of Chelmsford
Accepted by the DBE (Diocesan Board of Education) in January 2024. This guidance enables all Church of England Schools in our Diocese to establish, and continue to develop high quality Religious Education within the Christian ethos of the school.
RE Leads are encouraged to participate in termly Network meetings provided by the Diocesan RE Lead where there will be an opportunity for further engagement.
Syllabus Information
All Voluntary Controlled church schools and Foundation schools are legally required to use the Locally Agreed Syllabus as the basis of their RE curriculum.
Academies and Voluntary Aided church schools are encouraged to use their local agreed syllabus as the basis of their RE curriculum, but they are not required to do so.
Download further information about statutory duties in relation to RE in academies.
Within the Diocese of Chelmsford the following syllabuses are used:
Strand 7: The effectiveness of religious education
RE should reflect the Church of England Statement of Entitlement 2019 and ensure that RE expresses the school’s Christian vision.
We recommend all Church of England Schools and Academies offer a broad and balanced RE curriculum that provides a balance between the disciplines of Theology, Philosophy and Human and Social Sciences.
This is about believing. It looks at where beliefs come from, how they have changed over time, how they are applied differently in different contexts and how they relate to each other.
This is about thinking. It is about finding out how and whether things make sense. It deals with questions of morality and ethics. It takes seriously the nature of reality, knowledge and existence.
This is about living. It explores the diverse ways in which people practice their beliefs. It engages with the impact of beliefs on individuals, communities and societies.
The National Association of Teachers of RE is an initial point of contact for up-to-date information about RE. A voice at national level for all who teach and lead in RE, and publications and courses to support professional development.
Religious Education Council of England and Wales, representing the collective interests of a wide variety of professional associations and faith communities in deepening and strengthening provision for religious education.
RE: Online are a provider of information about RE, supporting teaching and learning, as well as information about pedagogical approaches in RE, the history and legal status of RE.
REQM is a nationally recognized quality mark for RE.
RE Today is a provider of RE-related teaching and learning resources.
The official website for Understanding Christianity, a resource produced by the Church of England Education Office and RE Today.
For further information and enquiries, please contact our Diocesan RE Adviser, Ruth Everett.